Many drivers, particularly young drivers or distracted parents, may feel that checking a quick text is innocuous. They do not connect their actions to serious harm. Unfortunately, the statistics also do not back up this mistaken belief.
According to the National Safety Council and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 3,000 people died in traffic crashes caused or affected by driver distraction in 2019 alone. This number has risen precipitously over the years, with a 10% increase in cases from 2018 to 2019 alone.
North Carolina is not immune to this disturbing trend.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation has stated that almost 20% of the car crashes in the state in 2019 involved a distracted driver.
Why is this the case? And, if you are injured in a distracted driving crash, what can you do to care for yourself and your family effectively? Join us as we look at the real dangers involved with texting or using a cell phone while driving.
Driving a Football Field Blind: The Consequences of Driver Cell Phone Use
NHTSA has stated that the time it takes to send or read a text can take a driver's eyes off the road for five full seconds.
A driver traveling at 55 mph during those five seconds can drive the full length of a football field. While most drivers would never consider driving with their eyes closed for that length of time, it is key to realize that taking your eyes away from the road can have a similar effect.
The National Safety Council has also reported that driver cell phone use leads to over 1.5 million crashes each year — and nearly 400,000 injuries. The types of injuries a crash victim might experience range widely and can include the following:
• Bruising and contusions
• Whiplash
• Neck or back injuries
• Concussions and other closed head injuries
• Traumatic brain injuries
• Post-traumatic stress disorder
• Broken bones
• Persistent headaches or migraines
• Internal bleeding
• Death
Not all motor vehicle collision injuries will immediately seem serious. Many crash injuries become more severe with time. Others will require immediate and expensive medical treatment, long-term physical therapy, or significant time away from work for the victim to fully recuperate.
Whether you or a loved one has been impacted by a recent distracted driver car crash, you deserve compensation to ensure you have the resources to move past this traumatic event. Working with experienced personal injury attorneys is the most effective thing you can do to increase your chances of maximum compensation.
Injured on a North Carolina road? The Vincent-Pope Law Firm is Here for You
At the Vincent-Pope Law Firm, we are proud to provide experienced legal representation for those injured in motor vehicle accidents in the Raleigh, Durham, Cary, Chapel Hill, and throughout North Carolina. With our comprehensive knowledge of North Carolina driving laws and relentless dedication to achieving justice and successful outcomes for those who need it most, we will manage your claim so you can focus on healing.
Contact our team today at (919) 645-8255 for more information, or reach out online for a timely response.